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The Great Wall Of China

The Great Wall Of China is a Great Wall in The World which is too long and very high. The wall is made of cement, rocks, sand and dirt. It was Built between 226-200 BC by the first Emperor Of Imperial China. It was built to protect the north of the Empire Of China from enemies. It is the longest and highest structure manpower have ever built. It is about 21196 K.m. long, 9 meter wide and approx 15 meter high. There are 7000 towers, houses for soldiers and beacons to send smoke signals.

Nineteen walls have been built that were called The Great Wall Of China. The first was built in the 7th century BC. Not much of this wall will remains as people have been stealing from it. It was much farther  north than the current wall. The current wall built during the Ming Dynasty.

Other dynasties  in China worked more on the wall and made it too longer. During the Ming Dynasty major rebuilding work place. Sections of the wall were built with bricks and stone instead of earth. Mostly builders used materials that was nearby. Some parts of the wall were made of mud, straw, and twigs. Thousands of workers died from giant falling stones, exhalation, disease, animal attacks and starveling.
his wall is a China icon. It shows us not only China's culture of national pride, grand projects, and determined resistance but also China's extravagant architecture, designing and the great creativity.
The Great wall Of China is the must visit China attraction.

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